39th Mask and Lithography Conference 2024 | Grenoble, France | June 17-19, 2024
This was the EMLC2024 Conference

The EMLC Conference annually brings together scientists, researchers, engineers and technicians from research institutes and companies from around the world to present their latest findings in mask and lithography techniques. The EMLC Conference is dedicated to research, technology and related processes. It provides an overview of the current state of mask and lithography technologies and future strategy. Here, mask manufacturers and users have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest developments and results.

May we offer you a fancy quick look through the telescope? Here is a brief preview of the conference programme:

The EMLC Conference 2024 will take place in the wonderful setting of MINATEC at CEA-Leti in Grenoble, France.

The conference will start on Monday, June 17th at 2 PM with a Tutorial Session, followed by a Session with student presentations. From 7 PM to 9 PM there will be a EMLC 2024 Get Together event at the MINATEC site.

On Tuesday, June 18th, the conference will be continued at 9 AM in the MINATEC Platine Auditorium with a 1st Plenary Session, followed by a Session on Data Analytics. In the afternoon, there will be Sessions on DUV and EUV Lithography and Mask Patterning and Processing, followed by the Poster Session.

On Wednesday, June 19th, EMLC 2024 is continued at 9 AM with the 2nd Plenary Session followed by a Session on Nano-Imprint Lithography. After lunch, there are Sessions on Mask Metrology, Tuning and Inspection and Optical & Electron Beam Direct Write. The 12th Session will complete the conference. The title of this Session will focus on a novel topic.

The EMLC Conference 2024 - we count on you!

Hopefully I have awakened your interest to attend this – again – outstanding international conference on the forefront of mask fabrication and lithography as well as very interesting related topics for the semiconductor industry.  
I hope you can make it.

Uwe Behringer, Conference Chair

EMLC 2024 Conference Program

Dr. Uwe Behringer, UBC Microelectronics
Conference Chair

target audience

Target Audience

The EMLC Conference annually brings together scientists, researchers, engineers and developers from around the world to present innovations at the forefront of research, manufacturing and application.

target audience

The EMLC Conference annually brings together scientists, researchers, engineers and developers from around the world to present innovations at the forefront of research, manufacturing and application.

It provides a place where specialists from industry and advanced research as well as equipment and software providers become acquainted with new developments and results.


Conference topics


Mask Manufacturing and Mask Business
- Mask Data Preparation
- Pattern Generation: Writing, Etch, etc.
- Photomask Processes & Materials
- Metrology Tools & Technologies
- Defect Inspection & Repair
- Cleaning & Haze
- Pellicles & Mask Boxes
- Mask Process Yield & Cycle Time
- Photomasks for RET (OPC, ILT) ; PSM
- Mask Business and Management
- Mask Cost and Mask Development Strategy
- Future Mask Demand
Lithographic Systems and Processes
- Optical Resolution Enhancements including OPC,
Freeform Illumination, Source-Mask-optimization (SMO)
and Inverse Lithography Technology (ILT)
- Material-and Process driven Resolution Enhancements
including Multiple Patterning and Chemical Shrinking
- Immersion Lithography including Defectivity
- Lithography Process Control
- Lithography and Etch Simulation including rigorous
physical/chemical Models and Compact Models
Emerging Mask and Lithography Technologies
- EUV-Lithography including Masks, Materials Processes
and Infrastructure.
- Direct Write / Maskless Technologies including Multi-
Beam Technologies
- Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL), Soft Lithography, and
- Applicationof Artificial Intelligence including Deep
Learning in Lithography
Emerging Applications
- Non-IC Applications including Si-Photonics, flat Panel
Displays and MEMS/MEOMS
- Lithographic Systems for non-IC Applications, including
Laser Direct Write, Interference Lithography, and Mask


Committee Members


The EMLC 2024 International Program Committee

Conference Chairs
Behringer, Uwe, UBC Microelectronics, Ammerbuch, Germany
Finders, Jo, ASML, Veldhoven, The Netherlands

Conference Co-Chairs
Connolly, Brid, Toppan Photomasks Inc., Dresden, Germany
Hayashi, Naoya, DNP, Saitama, Japan

Program Chairs
Stolberg, Ines, Vistec Electron Beam, Jena, Germany
Erdmann, Andreas, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen, Germany
Loeschner, Hans, IMS Nanofabrication, Brunn am Gebirge & Vienna, Austria

Program Co-Chairs
Peters, Jan Hendrik, BMBG Consult, Radebeul, Germany

Other Program Committee Members
Abboud, Frank, Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Ehrmann, Albrecht, Carl Zeiss SMT Oberkochen, Germany
Galler, Reinhard, EQUIcon, Dresden, Germany
Le Gratiet, Bertrand, ST Microelectronics, Crolles, France
Jefferies, James, HOYA Europe, London, UK
Levinson, Harry J., HJL Lithography, Saratoga, CA, USA
Maly, Enrico, Photronics MZD GmbH, Dresden, Germany
Muehlberger, Michael, Profactor, Steyr-Gleink, Austria
Noack, Nico, AMTC Dresden, Germany
Pain, Laurent, CEA, Grenoble, France
Ronse, Kurt, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
Savari, Serap, Texas A&M University College Station, USA
Scheruebl, Thomas, Carl Zeiss SMT, Jena, Germany
Schnabel, Ronald, VDE/VDI-GMM, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Schneider, Jens, Infineon Technologies, Dresden, Germany
Schuch, Nivea, Applied Materials, Grenoble, France
Schulze, Steffen, Siemens EDA, Wilsonville, OR, USA
Seltmann, Rolf, RS litho consult, Dresden, Germany
Sundermann, Frank, STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France
Tiron, Raluca, CEA-Leti, Grenoble, France
Tschinkl, Martin, Toppan Photomasks, Germany
Varga, Ksenija, EV Group, St. Florian am Inn, Austria
Waelpoel, Jacques, ASML, Veldhoven The Netherlands
Wurm, Stefan, ATICE LLC, Albany, NY, USA
Yoshitake, Shusuke, NuFlare Technology, Yokohama, Japan
Zurbrick, Larry, Keysight Technologies, Santa Clara, USA

ZEISS Award for Talents in Photomask Industry

ZEISS endows the "ZEISS Award for Talents in Photomask Industry" 

The award was established in 2016 to support students working in the fields of photomasks.

To be considered,

  • The student must present a poster or presentation at European Mask and Lithography Conference
  • The students must identify themselves as a student during abstract submission
  • The student must be the lead manuscript author
  • The student must attend the conference and present it during the session or be present during the poster session

The award will be assessed by an award committee consisting of members of the EMLC Program Committee. Contributions will be judged for technical merit, relevance of the topic to the industry and the author’s ability to explain the work.

Winners will be awarded a ZEISS certificate and a trophy. He or she receives a donation of 2,500 EUR to cover the travel expenses.


Technical Exhibition


Parallel to the EMLC 2024 Conference, there will be a Technical Exhibition with booth space for about 20 exhibitors on Tuesday, June 18th and Wednesday, June 19th 2024. Presentation tables and pin boards will be available.

Please, register in time for the exhibition!

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The EMLC Conference 2024 will take place in the wonderful setting of MINATEC at CEA-Leti in Grenoble, France.



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previous events

Previous Events

Important Dates

Dates in 2024

February 18, 2024

Submission of abstracts

April 15, 2024

Notification of authors

June 17-19, 2024

EMLC Conference 2024 in Grenoble, France

June 30, 2024

Submission of manuscripts to SPIE


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